Thursday, September 24, 2009

What is Google Orkut scrapbook?

What is Google Orkut scrapbook?
  • orkut's scrapbook is both a way for you to communicate with others and for you add ore information about yourself.
  • To write a message in anyone's scrapbook (yours or another orkut members'), just visit the scrapbook, enter your message, and click post scrap.
  • If you want to restrict who can write in your scrapbook, just go to your settings page and adjust your privacy settings from there.
he scrapbook feature is another way for you to add tidbits of information to your profile, share a funny story, or reveal a little-known fact about yourself. Click the formatting tips button to learn how to change the color of the text or add a smiley face.

To restrict who can write in your scrapbook, click settings under your profile photo and choose the privacy tab. In the drop-down menu next to 'write in scrapbook,' select all of my friends or friends of friends in my network. If you select everyone, anybody in your designated network is allowed to write in your scrapbook.

You can also add messages to other members' scrapbooks. Just visit their profile and click view scrapbook. Enter your message in the box and click post scrap. Your entry will appear in their profile instantly. If you change your mind about what you've written, you can always return to their scrapbook and click delete next to your scrap.


Some users only allow all of their friends or friends of friends in their network to write them a scrap. In this case, you'll need to add them as a friend or send a message instead. Use the reply scrap link to respond from within your own scrapbook. Anyone you've sent a scrap to in the past will be able to reply to your scrap, regardless of the new privacy settings.

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